Firdos Alam Khan PhD


PhD (October, 1997) in Zoology (Neuroscience), Nagpur University, India
Title of the Ph.D. thesis “Studies on some neuroactive substances containing systems in the brain of Clarias batrachus (Linn.): Structure-Function Correlates”
MSc. (March, 1993) (2 years course) in Zoology, Nagpur University, India
BSc (March, 1990) (3 years course) in Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Nagpur University, India


• 11/98-05/01: Post-Doctoral Fellowship. National Institute of Health sponsored research project, at Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA 02139 “Project title: To study the axonal regeneration in the damaged visual pathways of hamster and mouse: Peripheral nerve grafting approach”
• 02/98-10/98: Post-Doctoral Visiting Fellowship: World Health Organization (WHO) sponsored research project at National Center for Biological Sciences, at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India “Project title: Olfactory conditioning in Drosophila melanogaster”
• 09/95-12/97: Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowship. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India and I worked at Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagpur University, India. “Project title: Role of brain GnRH in the regulation of reproduction in Indian major carp”
• 08/93-08/95: Senior Research Fellowship. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India, worked at Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagpur University, India. “Project title: Brain hormonal (estrogen and testosterone) regulation of reproduction in the Indian major carp”


Professor (Sept-2009-till-to-date), Department of Biotechnology, Manipal University, Dubai, UAE
Chairperson of the Department of Biotechnology (Dec-2005-till-to-date): Manipal University, Dubai, Dubai, UAE.

Job description:
• To develop world-class biotechnology education, training and research center in UAE.
• To introduce academic programs,
• To recruit highly qualified scientist and teachers,
• To established state-of the-art-lab facilities to carry out research and development work in the field of Biotechnology.

Accomplishments: I designed and introduced following academic programs at Manipal University Dubai Campus:
• BSc Honors degree in Biotechnology (since 2009)
• MSc degree in Medical Biotechnology (since 2007)
• MSc in Human Genetics & Forensic Science (since 2007)
• PhD program (since 2010)
• Also initiated winter & winter training programs for the students to learn advanced biotechniques

Associate Professor (Dec-2005-August 2009), Department of Biotechnology, Manipal University, Dubai, UAE.
Research Scientist (Aug 2002-Nov-2005). Embryonic Stem Cell Laboratory, Reliance Life Sciences, Mumbai, India.
Associate Director of Research (Jun-2001-May-2002). Long Beach Memorial Medical Research Center, Long Beach, California, 90806, USA.
Postdoctoral Associate (Nov-1998-May-2001). Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA.
Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow (Feb-1997-Oct-1998). National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India.


• April-May-97: Received 7 weeks long professional training on the “Radio-immuno-assay and immuno-radiometric-assay techniques from Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Bombay India.
• December-95: Received training on (1) southern blotting technique, (2) GABA receptor binding assay, and (3) HPLC for catecholamine assay. I had received two weeks training from Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Calcutta, India.
• Dec-2003. Received training on Good laboratory Practice (GLP) from Reliance Life Sciences, Mumbai, India
•October-2004: Received training on Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) from Reliance Life Sciences, Mumbai, India



• Currently one associate professor (PhD level), five assistant professors (PhD level), two seniors’ lecturers (MPhil level), lecturer (MSc level) and 2 laboratory personals are directly reporting.
• Chair, Faculty Recruitment & Development (Biotechnology)
• Chair, Lab Equipment Purchase Committee (Biotechnology)
• Chair, Board of Studies (Biotechnology)
• Chair, Doctoral Advisory Committee (Biotechnology)
• Member of Research Evaluation Committee at Manipal University Dubai


• Appointed as a member of Steering and Advisory Board of Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Middle East (
• Invited to become a member of Middle East Medical Biotechnology Association (MEMBA)


Papers Published in the international peer-reviewed journals: 7
Patents Granted: 2
Patent Applied: 1
Book published (Single authored book): 1
Chapter published in a book: 1
Papers presented in Symposia/Conference/Proceeding: 20
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