• PhD (October, 1997) in Zoology (Neuroscience), Nagpur University, India
Title of the Ph.D. thesis “Studies on some neuroactive substances containing systems in the brain of Clarias batrachus (Linn.): Structure-Function Correlates”
• MSc. (March, 1993) (2 years course) in Zoology, Nagpur University, India
• BSc (March, 1990) (3 years course) in Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Nagpur University, India
• 11/98-05/01: Post-Doctoral Fellowship. National Institute of Health sponsored research project, at Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA 02139 “Project title: To study the axonal regeneration in the damaged visual pathways of hamster and mouse: Peripheral nerve grafting approach”
• 02/98-10/98: Post-Doctoral Visiting Fellowship: World Health Organization (WHO) sponsored research project at National Center for Biological Sciences, at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India “Project title: Olfactory conditioning in Drosophila melanogaster”
• 09/95-12/97: Pre-Doctoral Research Fellowship. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India and I worked at Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagpur University, India. “Project title: Role of brain GnRH in the regulation of reproduction in Indian major carp”
• 08/93-08/95: Senior Research Fellowship. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, India, worked at Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagpur University, India. “Project title: Brain hormonal (estrogen and testosterone) regulation of reproduction in the Indian major carp”
• Professor (Sept-2009-till-to-date), Department of Biotechnology, Manipal University, Dubai, UAE
• Chairperson of the Department of Biotechnology (Dec-2005-till-to-date): Manipal University, Dubai, Dubai, UAE.
Job description:
• To develop world-class biotechnology education, training and research center in UAE.
• To introduce academic programs,
• To recruit highly qualified scientist and teachers,
• To established state-of the-art-lab facilities to carry out research and development work in the field of Biotechnology.
Accomplishments: I designed and introduced following academic programs at Manipal University Dubai Campus:
• BSc Honors degree in Biotechnology (since 2009)
• MSc degree in Medical Biotechnology (since 2007)
• MSc in Human Genetics & Forensic Science (since 2007)
• PhD program (since 2010)
• Also initiated winter & winter training programs for the students to learn advanced biotechniques
Associate Professor (Dec-2005-August 2009), Department of Biotechnology, Manipal University, Dubai, UAE.
Research Scientist (Aug 2002-Nov-2005). Embryonic Stem Cell Laboratory, Reliance Life Sciences, Mumbai, India.
Associate Director of Research (Jun-2001-May-2002). Long Beach Memorial Medical Research Center, Long Beach, California, 90806, USA.
Postdoctoral Associate (Nov-1998-May-2001). Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 USA.
Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow (Feb-1997-Oct-1998). National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India.
• April-May-97: Received 7 weeks long professional training on the “Radio-immuno-assay and immuno-radiometric-assay techniques from Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Bombay India.
• December-95: Received training on (1) southern blotting technique, (2) GABA receptor binding assay, and (3) HPLC for catecholamine assay. I had received two weeks training from Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Calcutta, India.
• Dec-2003. Received training on Good laboratory Practice (GLP) from Reliance Life Sciences, Mumbai, India
•October-2004: Received training on Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) from Reliance Life Sciences, Mumbai, India
• Currently one associate professor (PhD level), five assistant professors (PhD level), two seniors’ lecturers (MPhil level), lecturer (MSc level) and 2 laboratory personals are directly reporting.
• Chair, Faculty Recruitment & Development (Biotechnology)
• Chair, Lab Equipment Purchase Committee (Biotechnology)
• Chair, Board of Studies (Biotechnology)
• Chair, Doctoral Advisory Committee (Biotechnology)
• Member of Research Evaluation Committee at Manipal University Dubai
• Appointed as a member of Steering and Advisory Board of Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Middle East (www.pabme.com)
• Invited to become a member of Middle East Medical Biotechnology Association (MEMBA)
Papers Published in the international peer-reviewed journals: 7
Patents Granted: 2
Patent Applied: 1
Book published (Single authored book): 1
Chapter published in a book: 1
Papers presented in Symposia/Conference/Proceeding: 20