Professor Anthony (Tony) Turner’s name is synonymous with the field of Biosensors and in 2010 he joined IFM-Linköping to create a new Centre for Biosensors and Bioelectronics. His previous 35 year academic career in the UK culminated in the positions of Principal of Cranfield University at Silsoe and Distinguished Professor of Biotechnology. He retains a part-time position at Cranfield as Innovations Director, with responsibility for leveraging Cranfield University's IP via spin outs and licensing. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 1996, invited to Fellowship of the Institute of Biology in 1999 and the Institute of Physics in 2006. |
He was awarded a Higher Doctorate (DSc) for his exceptional contribution to biosensors by the University of Kent in 2001 and an Honorary DSc by the University of Bedfordshire in 2008, where he served as a Governor for six years. He was admitted to the USA National Academy of Engineering in 2006, for his work on glucose sensors, environmental monitors and synthetic recognition molecules. Professor Turner has over 600 publications and patents in the field of biosensors and biomimetic sensors. He co-founded and has edited the principal journal in the field, Biosensors & Bioelectronics, since 1985 and edited the first textbook on Biosensors in 1987. He led the team that invented, designed and developed the world's most successful type of biosensor, the mediated amperometric enzyme electrode for glucose for home use. In addition to advising companies and governments worldwide in the general area of analytical biotechnology, he has served as an expert witness in patent litigations and arbitrations on three continents. He played a key role in coordinating research activities in medical and environmental sensors in the European Union and led concerted actions and thematic networks since 1988. He founded the World Congress on Biosensors for Elsevier in 1990 and has chaired it since then. |